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      As children rapidly grow from birth to 5 years old, it is considered the most important period in creating foundation for life and mind of human beings. Not only the body growth, but a child's brain also develops the most at this period of time. The majority of parents tend to focus on physical growth such as figure, weight, and height, not on child development. However, currently, knowledge from studying and interest in new technology are paying more attention to child development. Therefore, Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development, Chiang Mai, has developed a parents' handbook for children from birth to age 5. The handbook is designed to be a guideline for taking care of normal children and children with developmental problems. It covers how to look after both physical and mental health, basics of child development follow-up and assessment, and advices on developmental activities such as games, conversations, and role-plays. These age-appropriate activities help enhance various child development domains, namely gross motor, fine motor, receptive language, expressive language and personal and social care. During this period, children can learn from experiences, upbringing, and environment. Proper fostering by providing children an opportunity to fully develop in every area will result in their creativity and they will eventually grow into quality people and be able to socialize well with others.

Rajanagarindra Institute of Child Development, No. 196, Village No.10, Don Kaeo sub-district, Mae Rim district, Chiang Mai province, 50180
Tel. 0 5390 8300 -49  Fax. 0 5312 1185, 0 5390 8330

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